As we age our skin changes, and while it certainly beats the alternative, the results of a life well-lived come with fine lines, wrinkles, and a loss of elasticity in the skin. While time comes for us all, there are ways to slow the process and combat unwanted changes. One of our favorite ways to tighten skin and reduce the appearance of aging is with Morpheus8 treatments. 

Keep reading for the 5 reasons you need to try this procedure: 

Morpheus8 is powerful

Think of Moprheus as Microneedling on steroids. Combined with radiofrequency (RF) energy, Morpheus8 has the ability to create a real impact on your appearance. The unique device can alter the depth and intensity of treatment to achieve the desired aesthetic without costly and lengthy surgeries. 

In fact, it’s the best of its kind, penetrating 7mm, deeper into the subdermal tissue than any similar treatment for dramatic results at a faster rate.

Morpheus8 is effective

The RF/Microneedling match is one made in scientific heaven. Paired together, Morpheus8 triggers collagen remodeling through a series of micro-injuries, improving the texture and tone of the skin while at the same time, causing the skin to tighten. The ability for both to happen at once is part of what makes the procedure so revolutionary. 

Morpheus8 is versatile 

A minimally invasive procedure, Morpheus8 treats more than just facial concerns. It can be especially effective for treating the jowls, and the jawline, but is even used on areas including the abdomen, buttocks, chest, arms, or above the knees. 

The needle depth and intensity of the RF energy are adjustable depending on the treatment area and goal. 

Morpheus8 is long-lasting

While it’s true you’ll need more than one session (treatment is tailored to your needs, but typically patients require at least three monthly sessions) once you’ve completed them, the results grow over time.  Since collagen production takes time, peak results will be visible three months after your final treatment. 

While results can last over a year, it is recommended to invest in yearly maintenance treatments to keep the look fresh. 

Morpheus8 is for everyone

Unlike other aesthetic treatments, Morpheus8 is suitable for all skin types and colors with little risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Additionally, Morpheus8 is a great treatment to pair with other procedures like facials and fillers to achieve your desired look. 

Ready to invest in your self-confidence with some serious self-care? We’re so excited to offer this revolutionary, industry-changing device. Give us a call and see if Morpheus8 is right for you. We can’t wait to help you look as great as you feel, give us a call at  (727) 545-3376 or request your appointment online today!

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(727) 545-3376